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Welcome to Elevate Dance Centre!


We are SO excited to host you for our 9 Week Sessions, 2023 Summer Camps & Classes and our 2023/2024 season!  We have prepared the following information to help you have a happy, healthy, and safe return to classes.  Please review our Safer Studio™ Policies (Covid-19 Safety Plan) before your first class for the smoothest transition back to classes. We look forward to seeing you soon!!


Here’s what you need to know…



EDC is a Safer Studio™

  • EDC follows the More Than Just Great Dancing!® Safer Studio Guidelines which prioritize a hierarchy of safety and wellness measures including:

    • Wellness checks for staff

    • Frequent hand hygiene and good respiratory hygiene

    • Enhanced cleaning procedures

    • Curricular and facility adjustments

  • Please see below for the specific way EDC is applying these guidelines for our ongoing programming.


Student Arrival​

  • Please enter through our front entrance - doors will open at class start time.

  • Dancers will be asked to sanitize hands upon entrance. 

  • Dancers arrive ready to dance (in full dancewear).


Dancers Only

  • Our waiting room is closed to everyone, except for dancers at this time. 

  • Parents may wait in the outdoor courtyard area.



  • Please bring clearly labeled water bottles.

  • Snacks must be eaten in the lobby during breaks. 



  • Emphasis will be placed on hand hygiene and the cleaning and sanitizing of equipment especially shared equipment.

  • Hand sanitizing stations are available at the entrance/exit and within each studio. 



  • Masks are not mandatory and are optional for all students, staff and visitors. 

Health & Travel

  • Dancers must feel 100% well when attending dance class.  

  • Parents are asked to keep their children home from class if they have a fever, cough, chills, difficulty breathing, loss of smell or taste, display symptoms of the common cold, influenza or other infectious respiratory diseases. 

  • Please perform a Health Check before attending dance class. Follow this link to Health Check Information.


Studio Departure

  • Students will be asked to sanitize hands before exiting the studio. 

  • Dancers must be picked up promptly at the end of class.

  • Students will be released from our front door entrance.

  • Parents must meet their dancers in the courtyard (outside our front door).



Our commitment to the health and safety of our dance family and faculty is our top priority and we appreciate your understanding during these unique times.

Stay Kind, Healthy and Safe! 



Please let us know if you have any questions, comments or concerns!  

We cannot wait to dance with you soon! 



Last updated: June 7, 2023


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